Where do decision-makers, regulators, purse-string-holders and thought leaders go to, in order to discuss the issues which impact and shape the ever-evolving Health Tourism Sector?
“Health Tourism Vital Few” Roundtable Meetings
…to discuss the issues which impact and shape the Sector
Where do decision-makers, regulators, purse-string-holders and thought leaders go to, in order to discuss the issues which impact and shape the ever-evolving Health Tourism Sector?
Bring in the “Health Tourism Vital Few” Roundtable Meetings
…optionally, held under the Chatham House Rule – if you prefer
Since the conventional “Presentation Sessions” at conferences are unlikely to be scrapped (anytime soon), healthCare cybernetics has proposed complementing these with “Health Tourism Vital Few” Roundtable Meetings – optionally, held under the Chatham House Rule.
Roundtable Meeting
A round-table meeting is one where participants meet and talk in conditions of equality.
“Round Table” refers to King Arthur’s famed table in the Arthurian legend, around which he and his Knights congregated.
As its name implies, it has no head, indicating that everyone who sits there has equal status.
Typically, each meeting focuses on one Macro Level issue.
Chatham House Rule
The Chatham House Rule originated at Chatham House (an International Affairs think tank) with the aim of providing anonymity to speakers and to encourage openness and the sharing of information.
NOTE: When a meeting is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.
For a detailed explanation of the Rule, see: https://www.chathamhouse.org/about/chatham-house-rule.
Law of the Vital Few (a.k.a. the Pareto Principle)
…in the context of Health Tourism – at the Macro Level
In the context of Health Tourism – at the Macro Level – the Pareto principle (named after Vilfredo Pareto, an economist) – also known as the 80 / 20 rule – or, law of the vital few – states that roughly 80% of the “results” come from the “actions” of 20% of the stakeholders.
In practical terms, the Health Tourism Sector “vital few” are the decision-makers, regulators, purse-string-holders and thought leaders